First Aid For Feelings
A workbook to help kids cope during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Less Stress Homeschooling
Below are some tips taken from the Prevention Action Alliance ( for parents experiencing homeschooling your child(ren) for the first time.
Remember To Take Care Of Yourself

Start a gratitude journal
Take a break
Start a project
Try something new
Read a book
Acknowledge something you've done well lately
Express your feelings
Get creative
Set an intention for the day

Go for a walk, run or bike ride
Do some pushups
Drink a cup of tea
Do yoga
Prepare your favorite meal
Hit the driving range or batting cage
Get a massage
Breathe slowly three times
Take a bath

Volunteer for a cause
Ask for help or a hug
Tell someone you love them
Follow social media that makes you feel good
Leave work on time
Set boundaries for yourself
Write a poem
Call a friend

Get out into nature
watch the sunset or sunrise
Go to the dog park
Watch a sporting event
Put on your favorite song
Go to the movies
Meet a friend in the park
Go for a drive
Frame a favorite photo
While not a substitute for professional care, there are plenty of simple activities anyone can do to reduce stress, encourage wellness, and restore a sense of well-being during difficult times. Try one of of these self-care activities next time you need to take a step back, breath and focus on you.
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